How does an applicant become an instructor of an OHS Registry training program?
Applicants must be at least 19 years of age prior to participation in an instructor certification course (ICC). The applicant must have successfully participated in a complete student level training program for which the instructor applicant is seeking instructor certification, or the OHS Registry may give consideration to the instructor applicant that has successfully participated in a course that is deemed to be equivalent or who has relevant field experience and or previous instructor experience. Relevant experience would be given to applicants that have been employed with job duties that contain relevant field experience with references checked and verified including supporting documentation, and/or applicants who hold an instructor certificate for an equivalent course.
ICC – Phase One (prerequisites)

Participants in the Instructor Certification Course (ICC) must have Completed student level training in the discipline for which they are seeking Instructor certification. A student certification from another training provider other than the OHS Registry may be acceptable to meet with this requirement.
Instructor applicants are to contact the OHS Registry to determine eligibility for prerequisite(s) credentials prior to enrollment in an ICC.
Instructor applicants must be qualified with respect to experience relevant to the subject matter of the OHS Registry training course and must meet the prerequisites and criteria as outlined below for the discipline that the applicant is seeking to instruct.
- The training company is responsible for performing a reference and background check including the credentials and work and/or previous teaching experience prior to an instructor applicant being approved to participate in an ICC (instructor certification course) or instructor mentoring program.
- Written reference and background check information obtained about the instructor applicant must be kept in the instructor applicant’s training file and this information must be sent to the OHS Registry for final approval and certification of instructors once the ICC has been completed.
ICC – Phase Two (self-study)

Meeting the requirements of Phase one in conjunction with work related experience ensures familiarity with the substantive aspects of safety training delivery. Knowledge and mastery of teaching techniques based on sound principles of learning will enable the instructor to facilitate training and impart effective learning.
Self-study is required to understand the administrative obligations of delivering OHS Registry training. The information contained within the ICC applicant guide will be reviewed as a component of your Instructor Certification Course to reinforce the knowledge presented in the applicants self-study guide.
This self-study component requires the completion of a written evaluation to document the ICC participants understanding.
ICC – Phase Three (classroom ICC)
To ensure that courses are taught in accordance with all instructional standards, policies and procedures, persons seeking instructor status are to participate in a classroom training course referred to as the ICC. Participants will apply adult learning principles during classroom and field exercises that will assist the new instructor in managing the learning environment.

Prerequisite demonstration of practical skills may be requested by the Instructor Trainer in order to verify that you the instructor trainee have the necessary ability to deliver student level skills demonstrations.
Should the Instructor Trainer request practical skills demonstration, the skills set to be demonstrated by you will be taken from within the OHS Registry training discipline that you are seeking instructor certification status (i.e.; confined space entry, fall protection etc.).
Participants who are not able to demonstrate the appropriate level of skill anticipated for participation in an ICC, will be required to obtain additional training in order to continue the ICC process.
When observation of participants practical skills is requested to be demonstrated the observation results will be documented by the Instructor Trainer using the prerequisite skill audit sheet.
ICC – Phase Four (monitoring)
Observation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the learning environment will be assessed as a final quality assurance monitoring. A formal monitoring document must be completed by the person that conducts the final instructor monitoring.

The formal instructor monitoring document audits classroom management, instructional techniques, practical skills techniques, student observations and evaluation.
The monitoring form is submitted along with all the other required documents to the OHS Registry for processing of your instructor application to deliver OHS Registry workplace training programs.
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OH&S Registry
825B Laval Crescent
Kamloops, BC V2C 5P2