The Instructor Led Classroom
When workers need to learn a safety skill, instructor-led training is the superior option. The benefit to workers participating in Instructor-led training is that it facilitates in-depth discussions of complicated safety issues allowing for direct response from a skilled, practiced and certified instructor. Workers also benefit from their interactions with their fellow co-workers as questions and comments made about the safety training are discussed.

One aspect of instructor-led safety training that management teams profit from is having a partner in the classroom to hold workers accountable. The in-class instructor ensures that workers not only participate in training but that they really learn the subject matter.
The classroom instructor can answer questions, manage and correct errors in real time, provide experienced based safety tips which enhances understanding and better prepares workers to deal with safety challenges while performing their job tasks.
Classroom training experiences can strengthen friendships and work relationships that last well into the future. When a specific safety skill set must be learned, instructor-led training and hands-on practice fulfills the need better than other continuing education options.
Leading employers recognize that solid health & safety performance drives business results and in addition solid health and safety performance depends on healthy, safe, engaged employees.
Integrating health and safety into the workplace is good business. Keeping employees healthy and safe at work, and reducing the number and severity of incidents, is at the core of what OH&S Registry continuing education is all about.

As the OHS Registry Instructor at your workplace you can deliver a complete line of occupational safety training programs that are relevant to your workplace. The OHS Registry will support the upgrading of your Instructor skills and credentials. We encourage all OHS Registry Instructors to reach beyond their classroom walls and to explore a growing resource of training programs available from OHS Registry.
Learning is an ongoing process, and we are justifiably proud of our instructor membership. We welcome your participation in the life-long learning opportunities that will meet your interests, the needs of your employer and the requirements for the health and safety of workers.
Talk to Us!
Canada West: (778) 957-6407
Canada East: (647) 250-7646
Mail Us!
Send Postal Mail To:
OH&S Registry
825B Laval Crescent
Kamloops, BC V2C 5P2